Guitar Skhool! 

Learn guitar! Not spelling!
Lesson series

Design from Beginner to Advanced

The #1 Course to Land a Job in Design. All necessary tools are included. Learn how to create amazing products for Beginners & Advanced professionals.
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Write your awesome label here.

Who we are

Three friends who also learned online to play guitar!
Oh and pottery! We love pottery! 

Learn from the best

Just relax and lower your standards!

Why choose us

We are cheap! And we know how to spell guitar!

Our mission

We think we offer the best guitar courses!
We want you to learn guitar. Even if you own a piano!

Meet our team

Steve Vrai

An alien playing guitar

John Satrianis

Master Composer

Random Dude

Just a random dude playing

Trichos Katsaros

Sax Virtuosos

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